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Project of the month
Every month we introduce you to another project of the IP-LIFE "Atlantic sand landscapes".
Projects 2024
- #01/2024 With concept and perseverance: optimization of the nutrient-poor ‘Silbersee’ in the district of Cuxhaven
- #02/2024 Brought to light: Dry sand heaths with Calluna and Empetrum nigrum in the nature reserve ‘Itterbecker Heide’
- #03/2024 LIFE IP actions in sound and vision
- #04/2024 A new jigsaw piece in the biotope network for the natterjack toad (Sandpits in Albstedt, District of Cuxhaven)
- #06/2024 International networking: Platform Meeting “Amphibian & Reptile Conservation in Europe - Challenges and Opportunities”
- #08/2024 Stabilization and optimization of growth conditions for arnica in a complex of Nardus grasslands and heath (Kransburg Heath, District of Cuxhaven)
- #10/2024 Optimization of habitat for the floating water-plantain (Marsh area at "Wienbecker Mühle" district of Recklinghausen
- #12/2024 Species protection measures for the natterjack toad in Münster
Project archive
- #1/2018 Conservation breeding of the Common Spadefoot – Saving the “Potato Toad”
- #2/2018 ‘Hanfteich’ in Saerbeck – Optimization of habitat for the floating water-plantain, the crested newt, and the moor frog
- #3/2018 ‘Wisseler Dünen’ next to kalkar – Optimization of sandy xeric grasslands
- #4/2018 Regular exchange of information and continous project control – Monitoring Visits of the European Commission
- #5/2018 Spiekeroog – Restoration of habitat for the natterjack toad
- #6/2018 Development of an overall concept for the Atlantic region – Federal platform for the Atlantic region
- #7/2018 Surveys on the natterjack toad, the common spadefoot, the smooth snake and the sand lizard in the Atlantic region of Lower Saxony
- #8/2018 Lippe Floodplain near Lippstadt – Support and Development of Habitats for the Common Spadefoot
- #9/2018 Complementary Actions and Funds – Renaturation of the river Ems near Hembergen
- #10/2018 A new chance for the floating water-plantain – Construction of a waterbody in the nature reserve ‘Truper Blänken’
- #11/2018 Optimizing the habitat for the moor frog – Remodelling of ponds in the nature reserve ‘Rietberger Emsniederung‘
- #1/2019 Damme hills – Optimizing the habitat for the natterjack toad
- #2/2019 Kampeters Kolk – Optimization of the habitat for the common spadefoot
- #3/2019 Farger Heideweiher – Looking outside the box: Standing water body in Bremen
- #5/2019 #Europe: more than you imagine! – Europe event at the District Government of Münster
- #7/2019 Sand habitats in the district of Oldenburg – Optimization of sand lizard habitats near the municipality of Prinzhöfte
- #8/2019 Upgrading of sand habitats for endangered species – Restoration of heathlands, inland dunes and small waterbodies in the districts of Diepholz and Nienburg
- #9/2019 Session of the LIFE IP during the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- #10/2019 Renaturation in the “Brachter Grenzwald“ – Nature reserve Heidemoore
- #11/2019 Dunes in the nature reserve “Talsperre Thülsfeld“
- #12/2019 Optimization of transition Mires and quaking Bogs
- #01/2020 Debushing and rewetting of an area in the SAC ‘Emsdettener Venn’
- #03/2020 Heath Restoration in the SAC ‘Ohligser Heide’
- #04/2020 Upgrading of Habits for the Natterjack Toad and the common Spadefoot Toad
- #05/2020 Habitat for the sand lizard in the nature reserve ‘Thielenbruch und Thurner Wald’
- #06/2020 Haven of well-being for the natterjack toad
- #07/2020 Additional habitat for the sand lizard in the SAC ‘Lichtenhagen’
- #08/2020 More than just sand – species-rich sand dunes near Unterstedt
- #09/2020 Optimization and new creation of habitat type 3130 in the nature reserve ‘Heideweiher an der Flötte’
- #11/2020BINGO and LIFE IP – Co-operation for Amphibians in the Hunte Floodplain near Goldenstedt
- #12/2020 Nardus grasslands near Badenstedt – a nature reserve in a long sleep
- #1/2021 Reactivation of historic ponds and heath moors – Restoration of habitat types 3130, 4010 and 7140 in the Lohmar Forest
- #2/2021 Linking-up and expansion of isolated open dune areas in the SAC "Dünengebiet bei Neumühlen" – The desert as an oasis
- #3/2021 Development of nutrient-poor habitats in the nature reserve ‘Schwarzes Meer’
- #4/2021 Regional technical and implementation working groups in North Rhine-Westphalia
- #4/2021 Regional technical and implementation working groups in North Rhine-Westphalia
- #5/2021 Development of two breeding sites for the common spadefoot
- #6/2021 Dream landscape for the sand lizard at Camp Reinsehlen
- #7/2021 Restoration of heath areas in the Special Area of Conservation
- #8/2021 Lüneburg Heath Large-scale expansion of habitat type 2330 in Heimbuch Forest
- #10/2021 Natura 2000 in climate change – conservation objectives and measures in a changing climate
- #12/2021 Conservation and restoration of a habitat complex in the district of Lüneburg at ‘Sandgrube Breetze’
- #1/2022 Optimization of a heath pond and dry heaths at nature reserve ‘Rütterberg Nord’ in Dorsten
- #2/2022 Conservation of spadefoot toad spawning waters and expansion of LRT 3130 in the FFH area Lüneburger Heide
- #3/2022 Nature Reserve ‘Feuchtwiese Kröner’ in Lengerich – Optimization of species-rich Nardus grasslands through shrub removal
- #4/2022 Extension of the open dune landscape at Bockholter Berge in Greven
- #5/2022 Restoration and expansion of habitat types 2310 and 2330 at ‘Sandtrockenrasen Achim’
- #6/2022 Restoration and creation of new waterbodies and redevelopment of terrestrial habitats for the natterjack toad and the common spadefoot
- #7/2022 Monitoring of repatriation of the common spadefoot (Pelobates fuscus)
- #8/2022 Habitat protection in the SAC Gildehauser Venn (district of Grafschaft Bentheim)
- #9/2022 Expert conference with workshop: Perspectives for peatland conservation in North Rhine-Westphalia
- #10/2022 Light shallow water zones instead of dark undergrowth
- #11/2022 Conservation and creation of habitat structures for the smooth snake
- #12/2022 The floating water-plantain gets another chance
- #01/2023 New opportunities for the floating water-plantain in the SAC ‘Holtgast’
- #02/2023 A big transformation
- #03/2023 Workshop: Soil borrow and reuse of soil material in nature conservation measures
- #04/2023 Weißes Moor
- #05/2023 Expert exchange in the Lünebburg Heath
- #06/2023 Optimization of habitats for natterjack toad and common spadefoot
- #09/2023 Natura 2000 Seminar in Hannover
- #10/2023 Habitat sand pit and life-saving guiding devices
- #11/2023 Expansion of the measures in the SAC ‘Meinweg mit Ritzroder Dünen’ (district of Heinsberg)