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Group of people with EU-LIFE and Natura 2000 flags in front of a building

The participants of the network meeting in Stadthagen. © Christian Höppner

Network meeting for Amphibian conservation in Stadthagen

At the beginning of July, a network-building meeting was held on Amphibian conservation in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia by invitation of the regional association of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU Landesverband Niedersachsen e. V.), the project executing organisation of the "LIFE BOVAR" project which was launched in spring. The aim of the network is transnational exchange of currently ongoing or already completed LIFE projects in the field of Amphibian conservation. The fourteen participants included employees from seven LIFE projects. For the LIFE IP ‘Atlantic Region DE’ Corinna Kaiser from the district government of Münster participated.

Following a brief presentation of these projects funded by the European Union via the LIFE Programme, measures for creating a habitat network as well as the construction and design of water bodies for the various Amphibian species were discussed. The subsequent excursion first took the participants to the quarry at Liekwegen, where measures for the yellow-bellied toad and the natterjack toad had been implemented. Afterwards, water bodies on two areas owned by NABU near Raden in the county of Schaumburg were visited, which had been created as stepping-stone biotopes for the yellow-bellied toad.

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