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The group photo with the LIFE flag was taken in the ‘Oppenweher Moor’ at the information pavilion (from left to right): Peter Germer (Head of the BUND Station Diepholzer Moorniederung), Cornelia Schmelzer (Chairwoman of the Green Party), Frank Rabe (

The group photo with the LIFE flag was taken in the ‘Oppenweher Moor’ at the information pavilion (from left to right): Peter Germer (Head of the BUND Station Diepholzer Moorniederung), Cornelia Schmelzer (Chairwoman of the Green Party), Frank Rabe (Deputy Chairman of the CDU parliamentary group), Alexander Menge (BUND Diepholzer Moorniederung), Environment Minister Oliver Krischer, Alfred Borgmann (CDU parliamentary group member), Bianca Winkelmann (Member of the State Parlament), Sönke Tielbürger (Head of the Lower Nature Conservation Authority of the District Minden-Lübbecke), Luisa Stemmler (BUND Diepholzer Moorniederung), Rainer Gunia (Lower Nature Conservation Authority of the District of Minden-Lübbecke, Martina Vortherms (Head of the Environmental Agency of the District of Minden-Lübbecke) and Dr Martina Raffel (LIFE IP Atlantic Region DE, District Government of Münster). © Bezirksregierung Münster

NRW’s Environment Minister Oliver Krischer visited LIFE IP action sites

In order to discuss the opportunities and challenges of implemented and planned bog and peatland restorations, NRW’s Environment Minister Oliver Krischer visited two areas of the LIFE IP Atlantic Region DE on the fourth stage of his themed tour 2024.

The SAC and SPA ‘Oppenweher Moor’ in the district of Minden-Lübbecke is a large bog area in the ‘Diepholzer Moorniederung’. It is one of the most important peatlands in north-west Germany and has nationally significant occurrences of transitional mires and quaking bogs. In 2018/2019, heavily degraded parts of the habitat type ‘degraded raised bogs still capable of natural regeneration’ (7120) were optimised as part of the LIFE IP in cooperation with the ‘BUND Diepholzer Moorniederung’ and the Lower Nature Conservation Authority in the District of Minden-Lübbecke by removing brush, mulching and then installing sheeting walls, thereby improving the water balance of the peatland. Further rewetting measures are to be implemented in 2024/2025 by raising the water level through sheeting walls and embankments.

The SAC ‘Weißes Moor’ in Rahden-Tonnenheide, also located in the district of Minden-Lübbecke, is one of the few remaining peatland areas in the physical region ‘Rahden-Diepenau Geest’ and a very important stepping stone habitat for other peatland areas in the physical region (Großes Torfmoor, Oppenweher Moor, Uchter Moor). It is a former raised bog with areas of fen, which has been heavily characterised by rural peat cutting and drainage, and is located in the middle of an arable farming area. In order to assess the restoration potential of the SAC, a hydrological report was initially prepared on behalf of the LIFE IP. From September 2022 to February 2023, various measures for peatland restoration, heath and water management were implemented in cooperation with the Biological Station Minden-Lübbecke and the lower nature conservation authority of the District of Minden-Lübbecke. Further scrub clearance and rewetting measures were carried out from October to November 2023. The peatland areas cleared in the previous year were worked on again in order to permanently remove new shoots of woody plants. Further measures are planned for 2024/2025. First positive effects on the condition of the habitats and the water balance of the area are already visible, as the numerous participants were able to see on this occasion. 

Rainer Gunia (Lower Nature Conservation Authority of the District of Minden-Lübbecke) and Alexander Menge (BUND Diepholzer Moorniederung) explained the hydrological situation in the Oppenweher Moor

Rainer Gunia (Lower Nature Conservation Authority of the District of Minden-Lübbecke) and Alexander Menge (BUND Diepholzer Moorniederung) explained the hydrological situation in the Oppenweher Moor © Bezirksregierung Münster

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